
此产品为六方氮化硼晶体。 美国2D semiconductors进口。



Product Description

Our h-BN crystals reach to 2mm in size and are considered as gold standard in 2D materials field. h-BN flakes are produced defect free which is the only commercial h-BN flake used as 2D insulating template for high performance 2D electronic and photonic devices.
For an economical alternative please see our new product h-BN Flake Powder. Hexagonal boron nitride (h-BN) single crystals are ideal as a substrate for 2D materials. h-BN crystals are highly crystalline display strong Raman peak at 1566 cm-1 with FWHM less than 5cm-1. It displays 5.2 eV band gap and is considered wide-band gap semiconductor / insulator. Chemically inert, atomically flat.
Possible applications:
• Electronics
• Sensors - detectors
• Optics
• STM - AFM applications
• Molecular detection - binding
• Ultra-low friction studies
• Materials science and semiconductor research